So yesterday started off a nice little day caught up with my Cousin Hannah and we decided to go and see our Granny before she went into hospital (today) so popped over to hers but she was at our Uncle Grenvilles So me and Hannah rocked up there and Aunty Irene cooked us all a lovely Indian
Aunty Irene, Uncle Grenville, me, Granny, Millie, Hannah & Dexter the dog!! |

Me and Hannah then dropped off Granny & Millie to her friends, me and Hannah then thought we'd act like 17 again and go cruising haha and we randomly ended up at a beach for a BBQ I got a bit tipsy!
Hannah dropped me home but I was locked out as I thought I was only popping out for half hr to see Gran I didn't take my keys ooops so Hannah came back to get me we went and had a pizza at the kebaby and went back to hers watched a film & went to sleep!!
Random is the way to go. Navan People mostly make it up as we go along. Just ask Tommy Tiernan if he know what will happen next and he will say "Lets find out, hold onto your Hats though". Future is always in motion so difficult to see what will happen. Cruising,Tipsy at BBQ,as you do. Good to see there are always advantages to not bringing your Keys. You wouldnt have had Massive end to the night.